Toys & Children

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Toys & Children

The safety of children is the number one priority when designing toys and children’s products. Testing is essential to identify potential hazards or risks associated with toys and to ensure that children are not exposed to dangerous situations during play.

This includes preventing risks such as small parts that could be ingested, toxic or sharp materials that could cause injuries, static electricity or electric shocks from electronic toys, and so on. In the past, there have been numerous recalls, such as those involving lead in children’s toys, and consumers have become increasingly aware of the risks and attentive to the substances used and safety.

For companies that manufacture and sell products intended for children, it is crucial to stay updated on all standards and specific regulations in this sector, such as the EN 71 standard in Europe and the CFR regulation in the United States.

Our laboratories conduct tests on a wide range of products, including:

  • Children’s clothing and footwear.
  • Non-metallic accessories for children’s clothing.
  • Items designed for direct and prolonged skin contact.
  • Clothing articles and accessories that could be mistaken for toys by children.
  • Toys and other items intended for use by children, categorized by age group.



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