
Insights > Accredia

Analytical is an Accredia Accredited Company for Laboratory Testing. Accreditation represents a guarantee for customers and the market.

It is the attestation, by an entity acting as an impartial guarantor, of the competence, independence, and impartiality of certification, inspection, and verification bodies, as well as testing and calibration laboratories. As an impartial and independent third-party authority, the National Accreditation Body ensures that accredited bodies and laboratories comply with standards and the reliability of conformity attestations issued by them on the market, providing a public service to protect the health and safety of people and the environment.

ACCREDIA is the National Accreditation Body designated by the Italian government for Italy on December 22, 2009, in accordance with Regulation EC 765/2008.

ACCREDIA is, therefore, the only body authorized by the Italian State to attest at the national level the competence, independence, and impartiality of bodies and laboratories that verify the conformity of goods and services to standards.

ACCREDIA operates on a non-profit basis under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic Development.

ACCREDIA is part of the networks EA (European co-operation for Accreditation), IAF (International Accreditation Forum), and ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation), signatories of Mutual Recognition Agreements aimed at facilitating the free movement of goods and services internationally.

Born to meet the growing demand for quality and safety, accreditation helps build trust in the market by institutions, businesses, and consumers, and promotes the free circulation of goods and services verified by accredited bodies and laboratories. By guaranteeing the competence, independence, and impartiality of bodies and laboratories that attest to the conformity of products placed on the market, accreditation adds value and reliability to certifications, inspections, tests, and calibrations, providing a high degree of assurance about the quality and safety of goods and services.

Accreditation promotes the development of the entire economic and social system and supports the competitiveness of businesses in international markets. It is a socially significant activity carried out in the public interest, safeguarding fundamental values such as consumer health and environmental protection.

Worldwide, the accreditation of testing laboratories is carried out based on the international standard ISO/IEC 17025.

Accreditation ensures that test reports bearing the ACCREDIA mark are issued in compliance with the most stringent international conformity assessment requirements, backed by constant and rigorous oversight of all responsible operators.

Our Accreditations.

We are a testing laboratory accredited according to the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Discover all our tests ensuring the quality and validity of the results expressed for checks:



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