
ECHA Investigation: Hazardous Substances Found in Many Consumer Products

Despite the growing importance of health and safety for brands and companies, a recent investigation by the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) has revealed a concerning reality. A significant number of common consumer products contain dangerous levels of chemicals harmful to both health and the environment.

The ECHA Forum’s control project, which involved 26 European Union countries, examined more than 2,400 products, most of which were intended for consumers. Alarmingly, over 400 of these products were found to be in violation of EU chemical laws.

Key Findings:

Electrical Devices: Products such as toys, chargers, and headphones were among the most affected, with about 52% of these items found to be non-compliant. The main culprits were the presence of lead, phthalates, and cadmium.

Sporting Equipment: Items like yoga mats and bicycle gloves were also problematic, with an 18% non-compliance rate, primarily due to SCCP (short-chain chlorinated paraffins), phthalates in soft plastics, and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in rubber.

Toys and Fashion Products: For toys, including bath toys, dolls, and fidget toys, there was a 16% non-compliance rate, mainly because of phthalates in soft plastic parts. Fashion items, such as bags and shoes, showed a 15% non-compliance rate due to phthalates, lead, and cadmium.

Actions Taken: In response to these findings, inspectors have taken measures primarily by removing non-compliant products from the market. It is noteworthy that the non-compliance rate was higher for products originating from outside the European Economic Area or with unknown origins.

This control project underscores the importance of ongoing chemical testing in consumer products, ensuring that consumers are informed and aware of the products they use daily. Companies must guarantee compliance with current regulations to protect consumer health.

Recommendations for Consumers and Companies: Consumers should remain informed and always verify the origin and safety of the products they purchase. Companies need to shoulder this responsibility and ensure compliance throughout the entire supply chain.

For further details on this investigation and to learn more about how we can support your compliance efforts, please contact our experts using the form at the bottom of the page.



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