Heavy Metals

Insights > Heavy Metals

Metals and metalloids, commonly known as heavy metals, are inorganic contaminants present in the environment (air, water, and soil) both naturally and due to industrial and agricultural activities. The most common heavy metals include arsenic (both organic and inorganic), cadmium, lead, mercury (including inorganic mercury), inorganic tin, chromium, and uranium.

Humans can be exposed to heavy metals through various sources such as air, water, but most notably through food.

The content of heavy metals in food depends on several factors, including environmental conditions during plant growth, post-harvest treatment, processing, preparation, and cooking techniques. Additionally, metals present in processing equipment and packaging materials can contribute to food contamination. Plant-based foods, being in contact with soil and water, tend to accumulate heavy metals more significantly.

These foods include fruits and vegetables, cereals, coffee, cocoa, and drinking water. Fish and processed plant-based products can also be sources of heavy metal exposure for consumers.


International authorities closely monitor heavy metals due to their toxicity and lack of beneficial physiological functions.

The WHO has identified heavy metals as one of the top ten environmental hazards to human health, alongside air pollution, pesticides, and dioxins. In Europe, EFSA and ECHA have published numerous scientific opinions and studies to assess the toxicity and exposure to heavy metals, recommending minimization of exposure.

In the European Union, the presence of heavy metals in food is regulated by Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/915, which sets maximum levels for certain contaminants. This regulation specifically addresses arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, and inorganic tin.

Analytical Services

Analytical offers specialized services for the determination of heavy metals in food matrices, supporting production and processing companies in meeting safety requirements. Our laboratories employ state-of-the-art technologies to ensure precise and reliable results, including:

  • ICP-MS: This technique provides high sensitivity even in the most complex matrices, allowing for accurate analysis of heavy metals.

The maximum limits of heavy metals in food are subject to continuous monitoring, and the reference regulations are frequently updated. For this reason, our team of experts constantly works on improving analytical techniques and methods, ensuring that our services are always aligned with the latest regulations and safety standards.



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